Its available as a full kit including 10 papers, all elements and 2 alphas. Its also available as a paper pack, element pack, or alpha pack. And right now, like all my products, its 25% off.
Now, I know I said I was at my CT max, but I was accepted as a Digital Diva for Sir Scrapalot and I could not say no. Go check out his blog. The first kit of his that I will be working on is his Backyard BBQ megakit. Go check it out at his My Scrap Shop store.
Next, I have a couple lo's to share.
First, this is a lo of my most adorable niece Brianna. These pics are several years old. She's 6 now and still the cutest! I used my own Spring Page Kit for this one.These next 2 I used April Showers by The Digi Twins. Its available at Digital Candy .
And finally a freebie!! This is an add on to my Stars and Stripes kit mentioned above. They are some red, white, and blue patriotic buttons.

Thanks for looking!!