I can't wait to play with this fun, versatile font! Go check out her blog .
Friday, May 30, 2008
I was RAKed by Jill D-Zines!!
I can't wait to play with this fun, versatile font! Go check out her blog .
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Freebie QP!!
Head to Brittney Ferguson's CT blog to pick up this gorgeous QP. Hope Chest is on sale right now at DigitalArts Cafe. And while you are out and about, stop by Phreyfall's blog and check out her amazing layouts!
Monday, May 26, 2008
QP Freebie for by God's design's Popsicle Paradise
Sunday, May 25, 2008
New lo for Eclectic Scrap Style Designs

Everything I used is from Eclectic Scrap Style Designs from the following products:
Torn Alpha Gaffer Tape Strips
Cards Anyone?
Cherry Bits Collection
Little Kiddies Bread Tags
You can find Cherry Bits Collection in her A Cherry on To Shop. The other three are available in both her A Cherry on Top Shop and Designs in Digital Shop.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
New CT lo's

I used by God's design "Popsicle Paradise" which is not yet available. I also used her S4H grab bag and DR grab bag. Both of these are available at Busy Scappin'
Next is a lo for Eclectic Scrap Style Designs.

For this lo I used Eclectic Scrap Studio Designs's Think Pink Kit and Pink Polka-Dot A Lot Alpha. Both of these are available at A Cherry on Top and Designs in Digital .
Thanks for looking!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
My Scrap Shop May Design-A-Kit

I had to split this one up because the file size got quite large. Here's the links to download:
Papers 1
Papers 2
I want to thank by God's design for the butterfly template, Christine Smith Digital Design for the ribbon template and actions, Pillowgirl Scraps for the overlay, and The Curly Wirly Twirly Girlies for their button template.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Laughing Zebra QP freebie

To get this QP freebie, visit by God's design CT blog here.
I got tagged!
Now here is what I have to do because
I got tagged by the fabulous designer Melanie .
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some
random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by
leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving
a comment on their blog .
7 Facts
1. I have a bachelor's degree in Marine Biology and spent about 2 years catching sharks for a living.
2. I am pigeon toed.
3. My son (who I love with all my heart) was a very unplanned surprise and I cried (not tears of joy) when I took my 1st positive pregnancy test.
4. I've completed 3 marathons.
5. I took tap dancing classes for 10 years.
6. We are trying to conceive baby #2!
7. I really hope to become a good enough designers to eventually do this for a living. I love offering freebies, but it would be nice to make a little money doing this!
I don't know too many blog friends right now (hopefully that'll change soon!). I'm going to tag a couple of other fab designers I'm creating for and some people I'm on CTs with.
1. Xandra-http://xandra-a84martin.blogspot.com/ (Wonderful designer)
2. Sylvia-http://eclecticstylester.blogspot.com/ (Another fabulous designer)
3. Joy-http://www.scrappysolano.blogspot.com/ (creats beautiful los and is working on her 1st freebies!)
4. Monika-http://nyka74.blogspot.com/ (she has some beautiful freebies)
5. Amber-http://weallhavetostartsomewheredigiscraps.blogspot.com/ (more pretty freebies!)
6. Amanda-http://kirstenirenefaye.blogspot.com/ (Go check out her beautiful los!)
7. Phreyfall- http://phreyfallphotosandmore.blogspot.com/ (beautiful los and freebies!)
Wow that was hard coming up with 7! I need more friends! LOL!
Monday, May 19, 2008
CT Blogs
Xandra Martin Designs CT
Brittney Ferguson Designs CT
Hope Chest LO
Jounaling reads, "We were all together. Me, Mom, Dad, Freddy, and you. It was July 1979 and we were all on vacation together in Rhode Island. I was 5, almost 6 years old. We were visiting beautiful mansions along the coast and you bought this cameo brooch in one of the shops. These vacations are some of the happiest memories from my childhood. This brooch reminds me of these happy memories and of you. I am so honored that I now have this brooch. It is one of my most cherished possessions. If I someday have a daughter or granddaughter I will pass this cherished brooch to her."

You can find this beautiful kit at Brittney Ferguson's Digital Arts Cafe Shop .
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Eclectic Scrap Style Designs lo

I used her "Funky Vintage Travel Kit" for this lo. You can find this kit either in her A Cherry on Top Shop or Designs in Digital Shop. While there check out her other designs. I adore everything in her store so I can't wait to create my next lo for her!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Another Laughing Zebra lo

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Laughing Zebra lo's

You can find by Laughing Zebra in by God's design's Studio Style Shop. While there check out her cool CU fibers. Or head over to Busy Scrappin' where there are some grab bags on sale for $2.00, one of which is CU!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I was wrong!
Designs in Digital
A Cherry on Top
So excited! Creating for by God's design!
Isn't it so cute and colorful! Its available at her Studio Style Designs shop.
First Brittney Ferguson CT lo

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I'm creating for Brittney Ferguson!!

Check out Brittney's blog here
She has a couple of stores:
Pretty Scrappy
Studio Style Designs
Digital Arts Cafe
Colors by Benjamin Freebie Alpha
And here are the finished products.
Aren't they cute? I'm going to cherish them forever. I'll probably frame them.
So I took all the swirly colors and made a colorful, fun alpha out of them. These alpha turned out to be a major undertaking to make so I only did upper/lower alphas for now. If I get a lot of interest in these then I'll do some numerals and punctuation too.
You can find these alpha here: http://www.4shared.com/file/47504093/87735e16/Colors_by_Benjamin_Alpha.html
Thank you for Scraps2You (http://scraps2you.blogspot.com) for the alpha template.
OK, I'm going to try this again
Also, I'm working on a cute new alpha. It's taking me longer than expected to finish it, but hopefully I'll get it on the blog later today.
Happy belated Mother's Day to all the mommas out there!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
First layouts for Xandra Martin CT

The font used is French Script MT.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I'm creating for Xandra Martin!
This is Xandra's blog: http://xandra-a84martin.blogspot.com/
This is where you can shop for Xandra's creations: http://prettyscrappy.com/shop/index.php?zenid=6a5f95411765832208bd93255bb21aad&main_page=index&manufacturers_id=14&zenid=6a5f95411765832208bd93255bb21aad
Hopefully I'll get my 1st kit to play with soon and have more lo's to share!
Flowers for Mom

You can find these here: http://www.4shared.com/file/47089038/78996dbb/Flowers_for_Mom_Buttons.html
When I was making these buttons I forgot to merge my layers and ended up with an interesting flower shaped gel blob. Well, I thought they were interesting anyway so here they are too.
You can find these here: http://www.4shared.com/file/47089037/e826702a/Flowers_for_Mom_Gel_Flowers.html
Thanks for looking and enjoy!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
First "Show Off Friday" is a bust
I am working on a couple of lo's of my own for some CT calls. I'd love to be on a CT or 2 so keep your fingers crossed for me!
Hopefully I'll be back later with a couple nice freebies for Mother's Day.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Tomorrow's Friday!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
My new favorite toy a.k.a. the coolest thing you'll download today!
into this:
How cool is that? I also used one of her glitter actions for my glittery swirls in my Wasted Away Again kit. Go check her out!
Day after Cinco de Mayo Freebie
You can find it here: http://www.4shared.com/file/46632148/e6e5cff2/Wasted_Away_Again.html
Don't forget to send me your lo's using my stuff so I can show you off on Friday!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Introducing "Show Off Friday"
Happy National Scrapbooking Day!

You can find it here: http://www.4shared.com/file/46280705/befdb175/Stuff_on_my_Desk.html
Thursday, May 1, 2008

You can find these here: http://www.4shared.com/file/46106084/97e37bdd/Clear_Sunny_Alpha_Orange.html