Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 30, 2010

More January lo's and another freebie!

I have a bunch of new lo's from the last couple weeks plus a new freebie at the end of this post. All lo's are linked to my gallery for credits.

Here are Weeks 1-2 for my P365.

This lo is for Week 3 of P365 and includes my freebie.

And here is the freebie. It is a set of glitter trimmed paper days of the week. Each day comes in 7 different glitter colors. Also included is a set of glittery numbers.

The photo is linked or you can pick these up here!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Glass Dates Add On Freebie

I managed to catch the speed scrap at Enchanted Studio Scraps last night. Or should I say I managed to stay awake for the speed scrap and finish a lo. One of the instructions was to use an acrylic element so I thought of the Glass Dates I offered yesterday as a freebie. I know, glass and acrylic are not the same things, but I thought I could interpret the instructions a little! So I put them in my lo and realized I wanted the dates in a frame. So I made one. Then I made a couple more. So I put them in an add on pack and offer them to you today! Also, a lovely blog reader, Jody, asked for a blank glass insert so I included 2 different versions in the add on as well.

Here is the lo that inspired the add on pack. I used Day 2 Day Project 365 kit by Scrapberry Designs, Starry Photo Masks which is a freebie by Twin Mom Scraps and the font is Pea Faith Dots.

Here is the Glass Dates Add On:

Image is linked or pick it up here.

BTW - see one post below for the Glass Dates freebie!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy New Year (a couple weeks late!)

Hello out there! I was looking at my blogging history and realized that I skipped the entire month of December and most of January. Its tough finding the time to scrap, keep up with CT stuff, take care of 2 kiddos and a house, and blog! Oh yeah and sleep once in a while too!!

Life here is good, but relatively unchanged. My boys are growing up so fast. Benjamin is over 2 1/2 and a ball of energy and fun. Alexander is 9 1/2 months. He's speed crawling and cruising along the furniture. I anticipate him walking any day now!

In the scrapping world I am still CTing for Enchanted Studio Scraps. I love it there! They are having lots of fun activities for their 1st anniversary so you should go check it out. I am also CTing for Leslie G. Designs. She is a designer at ESS. She has a bunch of cute kits in her store.

I have decided to participate in Project 365 this year. So far I am on track with my photo taking so hopefully I continue!

Here's a little lo sharing. These are lo's I have done in January so far. The lo's are all linked to my gallery for credits.

Here is my 1st P365 lo. I called it Week 0 because it was those first 2 days in January that my calendar included in the last week of December.

I also have a freebie for you. I made these date elements a while ago and I thought they would be fun for P365. Enjoy!

You can find these here.